No Wheelchair Tax Campaign

“This is by some margin the single largest and most impactful change in the treatment of disabled people in the history of the NHS.”

Kent University

The Vision

The NHS was founded on the principle of accessible free for all and free at the point of delivery. This campaign ensured this was applicable for disabled Blue Badge holders accessing all NHS hospitals in England.

The Challenge:

Disabled people in England faced a barrier to accessing vital healthcare. NHS hospitals were increasingly charging for disabled parking, creating a financial burden called the "Wheelchair Tax" for those who rely on their cars to reach appointments.

Leading the Change:

Dr. Kush Kanodia, a Disability Rights UK ambassador and patient governor, launched the #NoWheelchairTax campaign to abolish these charges. He argued that disabled people already face additional costs, and parking fees created a barrier to essential healthcare.

A Successful Outcome:

Dr. Kanodia's tireless efforts led to a major victory:

All disabled parking charges were abolished at all 200+ NHS hospitals in England.

Over 2.5 million disabled Blue Badge holders gained easier access to critical healthcare.

Implemented in law at end of April 2021 during the height of the Covid19 pandemic.

The Partners:

Dr. Kanodia collaborated with MPs from various political parties and deaf/disabled peoples organisations to advocate for change.

This partnership aimed to raise awareness, garner support, and influence the inclusion of the campaign in the manifestos of both the Labour and Conservative parties.

  • Disability Rights UK

  • Inclusion London

  • Action for Disability Kensington & Chelsea

Continuing the Fight:

The fight for accessibility continues. Dr. Kanodia advocates for ensuring all disabled people can easily access essential services and healthcare.

Dr. Kanodia's leadership has had a profound impact on the disabled community in England. Stand alongside him in the battle for a future that is more inclusive and just!


Kush Kanodia receiving Honorary Doctorate from Kent University in 2022.

Awarded for having an inspirational career as a disability and rights champion, and social entrepreneur.